All Categories ​>​ ​Qantas Pay Card ​ > ​ ​Changes to Qantas Travel Money ​>​ How do I join and get a Qantas Pay card?

How do I join and get a Qantas Pay card?

Already Using

If you are an active Qantas Travel Money card holder, you won’t need to do anything. You’ll still be able to use your Qantas Frequent Flyer membership card with Qantas Travel Money on the back to access your funds, until your card’s expiry date. A new, separate Qantas Pay card will be available to you before that time,  we’ll send you an email with all the details closer to your expiry date.  In the meantime you will be able to access Qantas Pay as you would your current Qantas Travel Money.

New Joins

From 21 May, you are able to sign up to Qantas Pay via the Qantas Money website. Once you’ve joined, you’ll be issued with a new card. 

Please keep in mind that to set you up with Qantas Pay, we’ll first need to verify your identity. So make sure you have your Driver’s Licence and Passport handy.

Once you’re approved, your card should arrive within 5 to 7 business days.

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