All Categories ​>​ ​Qantas Premier Credit Card ​ > ​ ​Features and rewards ​ > ​ ​Discounted Flights ​>​ How do I book the Qantas Premier Platinum Discounted Companion Fare?

How do I book the Qantas Premier Platinum Discounted Companion Fare?

Access the booking portal on your Qantas Money account to book your Discounted Companion Fare:

  1. Log into your Qantas Money account on your web browser or via your Qantas Money app;
  2. Click 'Book discounted flights' underneath 'Qantas Premier credit card benefits';
  3. Book your Discounted Companion Fare.

Changes to existing bookings can be made at or by calling Qantas on 13 13 13.

The Companion Fare Benefit is a feature of the Qantas Premier Platinum credit card. Find out more about Discounted Companion Fares.

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