All Categories ​>​ ​Qantas Premier Credit Card ​ > ​ ​Features and rewards ​ > ​ ​Discounted Flights ​>​ Why can't I access the Qantas Premier Platinum and Titanium discounted fares booking portal?

Why can't I access the Qantas Premier Platinum and Titanium discounted fares booking portal?

The booking portal is available to Qantas Premier Platinum and Titanium cardholders, as part of the Qantas Premier Platinum and Titanium card benefits. For Qantas Premier Platinum and Titanium cardholders, if you have already used your discounted flight benefit this Anniversary Year, you won’t be able to access the booking portal at this time. Once your Anniversary Year resets, you’ll be able to access the booking portal and book your next discounted flight.

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