All Categories ​>​ ​Qantas Premier Credit Card ​ > ​ ​Managing your account ​>​ How do I dispute a charge on my Premier credit card?

How do I dispute a charge on my Premier credit card?

A transaction dispute occurs when you, or an additional cardholder, questions a transaction charged to your credit card account. We aim to make the experience as easy for you as possible if you find yourself needing to dispute a transaction. Below we’ve provided detailed information of the steps involved in disputing a transaction. MasterCard has set rules and timelines for the dispute process, which can sometimes take up to 180 days to resolve.

We have also included some handy tips that may assist in avoiding future disputes.

During these unprecedented circumstances, the below information serves as a guide for disputed transactions that may arise due to COVID-19 restrictions. In all instances, we strongly suggest that you attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant or service provider, as many merchants are proactively offering refunds and reasonable alternatives for future service.

Transaction dispute guidelines

  • If your dispute is not about a suspected fraudulent transaction, we strongly suggest that you attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant or service provider.
  • For disputes that may arise due to COVID-19, please note that many merchants are proactively offering refunds and reasonable alternatives for future service. If no resolution is agreed upon, we will act on your behalf in the formal dispute process.
  • MasterCard has a formal dispute process with set timeframes that we must follow. To allow us to help you resolve your dispute, you must contact us immediately on 1300 992 700, or +61 2 8222 2569, if you’re calling from overseas, or provide us with a completed Dispute Form when you identify a suspicious transaction - ideally this should be within 60 days of the transaction date
  • In order for us to act on your behalf, we need you to provide us with all of the available information and supporting documentation along with the Dispute Form signed by the account owner.
  • Once we receive your Dispute Form and supporting documentation, we will liaise directly with the merchant's bank to request a copy of the transaction voucher, if appropriate (charges may apply) or a reversal of the charge.
  • In the case of Mail or Telephone Order transactions, or PIN@POS, there is no 'transaction' voucher.
  • The merchant's bank will respond with either a copy of the voucher, a reversal of the charge, or a request for more information. We will contact you by email if further information is required - please ensure that you respond within the timeframes as advised on the correspondence to ensure that we can continue your transaction dispute.

Dispute cases can take up to a maximum of 180 days depending on the nature of the dispute, and it is important for you to stay in contact with us and assist with the investigation until a resolution is achieved.

This process, form, email and mailing addresses are only for Qantas Premier credit card related requests. For Qantas Money Travel card related requests please refer to this article.

Completed Dispute Forms signed by the account owner can be emailed or returned in the post:

Dispute Form: Qantas Premier Dispute Form



Qantas Money

Credit Card Disputes Transaction Services


Sydney NSW 2001

Please Note: Unauthorised transactions are charges that a cardholder claims to never have authorised. We must block your card before pursuing the dispute with the merchant's bank.

Cardholder Cancellation FAQs

Example - choosing not to fly following precautionary advice or to avoid mandated quarantines upon arrival.

Generally, we do not have chargeback rights if you chose not to use services made available by a merchant, as the merchant has fulfilled its obligations linked to the transaction. This also applies to non-airline merchants, such as hotels and other venues, which kept their obligations to deliver services.

We suggest you check the merchant or service provider terms and conditions relating to their cancellation policy.

Unable to use available service due to travel restriction

Example - Not being permitted to board an operating flight due to your nationality or medical symptoms, or you cannot complete a hotel stay due to border closures.

Generally, we do not have chargeback rights if you cannot use or access services made available by a merchant, as the merchant has fulfilled its obligations linked to the transaction. This also applies to non-airline merchants, such as hotels and other venues, which kept their obligations to deliver services.

We suggest that you check the merchant or service provider terms and conditions relating to their cancellation policy.

No-show penalty charged because the reservation was not cancelled as per the cancellation policy

Generally, we do not have chargeback rights if the merchant was open and made the service available to you. This is because you didn’t cancel the reservation as per the cancellation policy.

However, if you made reasonable attempts to cancel the reservation but were unsuccessful, this may be sufficient for chargeback if supported by documentation of the attempted cancellations.

Missed flight (for any reason) and as a result, missed subsequent separate non-refundable service, such as a cruise or prepaid hotel reservation.

Generally we do not have chargeback rights for the subsequent missed service unless you are entitled to a refund as per the merchant terms and conditions properly.

Merchant Cancellation FAQs

You have prepaid for services (e.g. flight or hotel reservation) and were notified that the merchant will not be able to provide the services. No refund has been processed.

Yes, there are chargeback rights when services are not provided, including when they are cancelled by a merchant due to government restrictions, insolvency or other exceptional circumstances, unless the merchant has a right to provide you with reasonable alternatives based on the terms and conditions, or based on applicable government legislation or regulation.

You are notified that the date of service (e.g. concert, sports event, flight or package holiday itinerary) was changed/postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions; however, you cannot or don’t want to use the service on the new date.

Yes, there are chargeback rights when services are changed or postponed by the merchant and this is not accepted by yourself. You are not obligated to accept reasonable alternative services unless required by the terms and conditions properly disclosed at the time of the purchase, or applicable government legislation or regulations.

You purchased a travel package through a travel agent that included flights and other services, such as hotel accommodation or a cruise. The flights were cancelled but the other services are available for use. Now you want to dispute the entire transaction.

You would usually have chargeback rights for the entire travel package that was purchased. However, whether the issuer has chargeback rights for the entire transaction amount, or only a partial transaction amount will depend on the travel package terms and conditions properly disclosed at the time of the purchase. Note: If you created your own itinerary and booked each item separately, then the flight cancellation would not give rise to chargeback rights on the other separately booked services. You would need to cancel the hotel, tour, cruise etc., individually, within the required merchant cancellation terms and conditions disclosed at the time of the booking.

Other General Questions

You have ordered goods to be delivered but they have not arrived by the scheduled or mutually acceptable extended delivery date.

Example - The merchant has shipped the goods but due to quarantines or travel delays the package has not arrived. Does the issuer have chargeback rights?

Yes. As always, the merchant is responsible for ensuring the goods reach you by the latest expected delivery date. If the goods are expected to arrive late, we encourage you to be patient and flexible to avoid the need for a chargeback.

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