All Categories ​>​ ​Qantas Premier Credit Card ​ > ​ ​Features and rewards ​ > ​ ​Discounted Flights ​>​ How do I book a flight with a discounted base fare?

How do I book a flight with a discounted base fare?

Access the booking portal to book a flight with a discounted base fare:

  1. Log into your Qantas Money account on your web browser or via your Qantas Money app.
  2. Click 'Book discounted flights' underneath 'Qantas premier credit card benefits'.
  3. Log into the booking portal to book your base fare discount.

Changes to existing bookings can be made via or by calling the Qantas Contact Centre on 13 13 13.

The booking portal is available to Qantas Premier Platinum and Titanium cardholders as part of the credit cards benefits.

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